English 110 Composition I Fall 2002
Section VON
MWF 11-11:50
Flarsheim Hall 302
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and Old Night and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Instructor: Allan Hunter
E-Mail: beowulfguy@hotmail.com
Web Page: http://beowulfguy.tripod.com
Phone: 235-1150
Office: 215 Cockefair Hall
Office Hours: MWF - 3:00 - 4:00
Required Materials
Dilks, Stephen, Regina Hansen, and Matthew Parfitt, comps. Cultural Conversations: The Presence of the Past. Boston: Bedford / St. Martins, 2001
Hacker, Diana. The Bedford Handbook 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2002
Three ring binder notebook and LOTS of loose leaf notebook paper
Course Description
This course introduces students to college-level reading, writing, and discourse analysis: it engages students in the analysis and creation of texts that reveal multiple perspectives about specific rhetorical situations and cultural issues. In addition to learning how to revise by analyzing their own writing, students will learn to edit their own work and use proper academic documentation.
Course Objectives
This class concentrates on the study and practice of analytical and critical reading. We will focus on the study of basic rhetorical principles and the practice of those principles in reader responses and longer essays. My goal is for this classroom to be a place of learning and that goes for me the teacher as well as for you, my students. Each of us brings a totally unique point of view to every short story, essay and poem we read. Ideas and concepts are never static, nor do they exist in a vacuum. Instead, there is a spider-web of connections that extend through different historical eras and segments of society. I want you to learn to analyze writing on a deeper level and to communicate your thoughts in an effective and engaging way. You may live the rest of your life without discussing the literary themes of A Room of Ones Own, but the communication skills you learn and exercise in this class will serve you well no matter what major you pursue. Becoming a good student in English makes you a better student in every other class and increases your chances for success. Working together, we can accomplish these goals.
Excellent attendance is vital to successfully completing this course. You are allowed five unexcused absences. Upon the sixth unexcused absence, your grade will drop one letter. Further absences will require a consultation with me and then we will discuss other possible actions. In order to be excused, you must contact me on or before the day you are absent. Also, you must have an official excuse form or other similar documentation. If you are absent for whatever reason, I expect you to come prepared for the next class. If you have questions about the content of missed classes, contact me or a classmate as well as the class website.
Grading Policy
Your grade will be based on the following:
1) 3 Essays (3 drafts)
5-7 pages in length
2) 4 Reading Responses (1 revision possible)
2-3 pages in length
3) Class Participation
4) Quizzes over the reading material may be given without warning and at my discretion.
Essays and Reader Responses
Essays and responses are due at the beginning of class on the indicated due dates. All subsequent drafts and revisions are dependent on the first draft being handed in on time. All typed essays should be prepared in Times Roman font, 12 pt. in the MLA style. Please include the correct assignment label (e.g., Essay #1, First Draft) on the first page of each assignment.
Class Participation
The bulk of the material you will need to succeed in this class will be discussed in the class, so your participation is extremely important. In-class writings over various topics will be done in the first five to 10 minutes of class and cannot be made up.
Plagiarism is a serious attack on the academic integrity of my course and this institution and it will not be tolerated. Any student found plagiarizing material will receive a failing grade and further action will be taken at my discretion. The University subscribes to several internet plagiarism detection services, so the chance of successful cheating is small. Anyway, in order to grow as a scholar, you need to find your own voice and embrace your own ideas.
Several times during the semester, we will meet one-on-one and discuss the progression of an essay or your work in general. The scheduled conferences are required, however, you are welcome and I encourage you to visit me in my office or e-mail me if you wish to meet with me at other times. Your success is my highest priority and I will make myself as available as possible.
In addition to scheduled conferences, I expect every student to make use of two other resources for improving writing ability: your peers and the UMKC Writing Lab (5201 Rockhill, 2nd floor, 235-1146). Each essay progression will involve peer response, which we will discuss further in class. The Writing Lab is not just for remedial students. I expect each student to make at least one visit to the Writing Lab to work with a writing tutor. Please call for an appointment first.
Special Considerations
Any student that has a disability that may prevent them from fully demonstrating his/her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so that we can discuss services and/or accommodations necessary to ensure full participation. This information is kept confidential. Also, if religious observances during the semester will in any way prevent you from attending class or taking an examination, please inform me during the first week of class privately. I am committed to constructing a learning environment appropriate to your needs, but can only do so when notified that accommodations are necessary
Class Schedule (first four weeks)
Week One
W Aug. 21 - Introductions, syllabus and expectations
F Aug. 23 - Day of Reading and
Convocation (No Class)
Week Two
M Aug. 26 - Virgina Woolf CC pg. 17-30
In class writing
W Aug. 28 - The Story of an Hour
In class writing
F Aug. 30 - If Men Could Menstruate
In class writing
Week Three
M Sept. 2 - Labor Day (No Class)
W Sept. 4 - Virginia Woolf CC pg. 30-35
In class writing
F Sept. 6 - My Mother, the Scientist and
Why There Are So Few Women in Science
In class writing
Week Four
M Sept. 9 - Excerpt from Beowulf and The Wanderer
In class writing
W Sept. 11 Ideologies of Madness CC pgs. 487-495
Girls Can We Educate We Dads
1st Reader Response Due
F Sept. 13 - Writing Workshop
Work on Reader Response 2nd Draft
and Outlines for first essay