Technology and Writing 304 WI
IMRAD Analysis
Text Chapter Presentation
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Analyzing Professional Rhetoric



 IMRAD Format



A. Introduction:

  • Move 1            What is the topic?
  • Move 2            Describe the current state of research as outlined in the article:
  • Move 3            What gap is this article intended to fill?
  • What question is this article addressing or attempting to answer?
  • Move 4            What is the purpose and/or structure of this research?

B. Methods Section:

  • Describe and summarize the kind of research being conducted for this article.
  • Are there any problems or unanswered questions about the methods? (i.e. are they effective for serving the purpose of the article?)

C. Reporting Results:  

  • What are the results of the research?
  • How are they presented? (i.e. numbers, charts, comparative analysis, anecdotal evidence, inter-textual comparison)
  • How effectively does the data serve the purpose of the article?
  • Are there areas of the topic that are not addressed?

D. Discussion Section:

·       What is the magnitude and direction of the effects observed (compared with what others found or compared with what might be expected)

·       What are the advantages and limitations of the methods used in the research (and how these features may have influenced the observed effects)

·       What are the implications of the findings for current practice or theory

·       What are the research questions that remain

·       Could you infer any bias on the part of the writer that may have affected the research or conclusions?


  • Are the documents referenced for the article reliable?
  • Are there any references of questionable quality?
  • Has any of the information referenced by the author(s) been misrepresented or mis-quoted?