Technology and Writing 304 WI
Text Chapter Presentation
Novel Presentation
Links to Articles
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Summer 2004

Section VOA

Royall 212  M-Th 10:15 -11:30

June 7th to July 30th

Instructor:  Allan Hunter


Web Page:                              

Phone:  235-1150

Office Hours:  By Appointment 

Office:  215 Cockefair Hall

Course Requirements

Major Essays

  • Investigation Essay   150
  • Money Essay  150
  • Ethical Issue Essay  150

Presentations (both presentations will be group presentations)

  • Chapter of text   75
  • Selected novel    75

Short Papers

  • Time Magazine article analysis and interpretation (4)  100
  • Response to Novel   100
  • Resume and Cover Letter  50
  • Online Bulletin Board Discussion  75

Daily Assignments, Participation and Attendance  75


                                                                                                Total Points   1000


Required Texts

The Elements of Technical Writing 2nd edition Thomas E. Pearsall

Choose one of the following novels:

  • Frankenstein Mary Shelley
  • Neuromancer William Gibson
  • Swarm Michael Crichton
  • Poor Things  Alasdair Gray
  • Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes


You will also need a grammar/punctuation handbook for your work in this course


Course Description 

This course takes a student-centered approach to writing about and with technology. The course examines the reciprocity of culture and technology in intersecting local and global contexts. Course materials will vary depending on the instructor, but all sections will use genres of technical writing to explore the relationships between specific institutional and professional environments and such broader issues as economics, gender, history, myth, and nature. Prerequisites: English 110, 225 and pass on WEPT.



Excellent attendance is vital to successfully completing this course.  You are allowed three unexcused absences.  Upon the fourth unexcused absence, your grade will drop 5 percent.  Upon the next unexcused absence, the grade will drop 10 percent (in other words it will be impossible to get an A in the course).  Further absences will require a consultation with me and then we will discuss other possible actions.  In order to be excused, you must contact me on or before the day you are absent.  Also, you must have an official excuse form or other similar documentation.  If you are absent for whatever reason, I expect you to come prepared for the next class.  If you have questions about the content of missed classes, contact me, a classmate or the class website.


Essays and Written Work

All written work is due at the beginning of class on the indicated due dates.  All subsequent drafts and revisions are dependent on the first draft being handed in on time. All typed essays should be prepared in Times Roman font, 12 pt. with one inch margins in the MLA style.  Please include the correct assignment label (e.g., Essay #1, First Draft) on the first page of each assignment.  Any assignment that quotes from a source MUST include a bibliography in correct MLA format.  This is non-negotiable and without a bibliography a paper will not be accepted.


Late Policy

Generally, late assignments are not accepted.  In the case of an anticipated excused absence, the assignment is due the day before the due date.  In the case of an unanticipated excused absence, the assignment is due the day after the due date.  I do not consider it part of my job to be a human lie detector; therefore I will give everyone the benefit of the doubt and trust.  Written documentation for excused absences removes the need for me to determine the validity of an absence, therefore it is non-negotiable. 


Class Participation

The bulk of the material you will need to succeed in this class will be discussed in the class, so your participation is extremely important.  Quizzes and in class writing cannot be made up.



Plagiarism is a serious attack on the academic integrity of my course and this institution and it will not be tolerated.  Any student found plagiarizing material will receive a failing grade and further action will be taken at my discretion.  The University subscribes to several internet plagiarism detection services and I am very good at tracking down plagiarized sources, so the chance of successful cheating is small.  Anyway, in order to grow as a scholar, you need to find your own voice and embrace your own ideas.


Special Considerations

Any student that has a disability that may prevent them from fully demonstrating his/her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so that we can discuss services and/or accommodations necessary to ensure full participation. This information is kept confidential.  Also, if religious observances during the semester will in any way prevent you from attending class or taking an examination, please inform me during the first week of class privately (these absences are of course, excused). I am committed to constructing a learning environment appropriate to your needs, but can only do so when notified that accommodations are necessary.
